What are Equality and Equity?
Equality means to give everyone equal or the exact same resources. On the other hand, equity involves distributing resources based on the needs of the recipients.
On the left side of the illustration above, for example, three identical boxes are given to three people of different heights — it’s an equal distribution of resources. However, it fails to consider that the tallest person doesn’t need a box to see over the fence while the shortest person could clearly use an extra one. When the boxes are redistributed equitably, as seen on the right side of the illustration, all three spectators can watch the game.
What is better?
Now, equality is treating everyone the same regardless of need while equity is treating everyone differently depending on their needs. However, the latter treatment would be the key to reaching their goal of real equality.
Nowadays, people say Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. And so some people started to follow this line and make their daughters study but does that daughter really want to study or she wants to become a soldier maybe. Now, this is a case of equity.
In conclusion, I just want to say that don’t force every child to get good grades because every
individual has their own talent. Maybe that child wants to be an athlete or an artist. Like Gunjan, Saxena was the only girl in the IAF.